Abebe Megerso Adlo
Academic Rank: Lecturer
Educational background: Public Health (BSc), Epidemiology (MPH)
Position and Responsibility in the College: Working as lecturer of public health courses, Coordinator of MPH program (weekend program), Conduct researches and advise students on research activities including thesis works, Participate and contribute in various College affaires including research and publication activities, Research Ethical review processes,
Research interest area and Publications: Communicable diseases (but not limited to) especially Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS are interest areas,
List of Publications:
- Megerso, A. et al. Predictors of lost to follow up from antiretroviral treatment for adult patients in the Oromia region, Ethiopia. HIV/AIDS- Research and Palliative Care. 2016:8 1–10
- Workneh, T., Megerso, A. et al. Determinants of Survival among Adults on Antiretroviral Therapy in Adama Hospital Medical College, Oromia Regional state, Ethiopia. J HIV AIDS 2(1): doi http://dx.doi. org/10.16966/2380-5536.117
- Megerso, A.Comparison of survival in adult antiretroviral treatment naïve patients treated in primary health care centers versus those treated at Hospitals: Retrospective Cohort Study; Oromia Region, Ethiopia. BMC Health Service Management Journal. (In press).
- Megerso, A.Comparison of Anti-retroviral Treatment outcomes between Health centers and hospital in treatment naïve adult patients: Retrospective cohort study in southern central Oromia. A poster presented at 22nd annual conference of public health and published in 2011, 98-99.
- Megerso, A.Comparison of Anti-retroviral Treatment outcomes for a general hospital versus Health centers: Retrospective cohort study in southern central Oromia. Masters’ thesis in EPHA sponsored extracts 2011, (14), 12-28.
- Megerso, A., et al. Effect of Antiretroviral Treatment services Task shifting on its outcomes: Retrospective cohort study; West Arsi zone, Oromia. The Ethiopian Journal of Health development, (In press).
Contact Address
E – mail: abemegerso@gmail.com or abemegerso@yahoo.com
Phone Number: +251 911 04 45 25